Wiki 24
This article's subject relates to Season 5 of 24.This article's subject relates to the 24 expanded universe.

Long Beach was an American city in Los Angeles County, California, south of Los Angeleson the coast of the Pacific Ocean. ("Day 4: 6:00am-7:00am")

The blackout caused by Brett Marks's EMP stretched from the Ventura County border down to San Pedro and Long Beach. (Veto Power)

Jack and Teri Bauer boarded the Catalina Express at the Port of Long Beach. (Cat's Claw)

During Day 5, Ivan Erwich attempted to smuggle canisters of Sentox nerve gas out of America via the Port of Long Beach. However, he discovered he had been set up by Schaeffer, who he killed. ("Day 5: 12:00pm-1:00pm")


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