Wiki 24
This article's subject relates to Season 8 of 24.

Luka was one of Sergei Bazhaev's Red Square men who was in charge of transporting the nuclear fuel rods to a secret location during Day 8.

Day 8[]

Luka was seated in the trailer of the truck which contained the fuel rods that Bazhaev was prepared to sell to Farhad Hassan. When Sergei received a call from Vladimir Laitanan about the rods, he knew the secret deal had been leaked somehow. He quickly called Luka and told him to make Anton pull the truck off the road. Luka protested, saying this would delay them too long, but Sergei gave the order once more. Luka had the driver pull off at a weighing station in Wantagh Parkway and wait for further instructions.

Shortly before midnight, Sergei and his men were taken into custody. CTU agents quickly surrounded the parked truck after Sergei gave them up in exchange for immunity. Luka and Anton were both found shot to death with the fuel rods missing from their crates. Josef Bazhaev was the man responsible as he felt betrayed by his father and wanted to carry out the deal with Hassan himself.

Live appearances[]

* — Corpse only
