This is a collection of memorable quotes from "Day 1: 12:00pm-1:00pm".
- Kevin Carroll: Ira, I thought...
- Ira Gaines: (hits Kevin in the stomach) We'll cut them off at the service road: Bauer, his wife and daughter, and Rick. Make sure they don't double back.
- Kevin Carroll: I thought that if I brought him here, I could handle him. I thought...
- Ira Gaines: Stop thinking!
- Rick: I can't.
- Jack Bauer: Shut up. You can and you will.
- Rick: I'm slowing you down.
- Jack Bauer: Yes, you are, so you better start speeding up.
- David Palmer: How can I do the job when my own house isn't in order?
- Jack Bauer: Son, part of getting a second chance is taking responsibility for the mess you made in the first place. You understand me?
- Ira Gaines: Bauer's been listening... to every damn word!
- David Palmer: I'm running for president, Mike. I'm going to win.
- Ira Gaines: [his last words] Good luck.