Wiki 24

This is a list of memorable quotes from "Day 5: 10:00pm-11:00pm".

  • Jack Bauer: Bill, listen to me. I know Henderson. He couldn't have planned this. He's a soldier, and a patriot. However misguided, he believes what he's doing right now is right for this country. He was willing to let his wife die to protect someone... someone very powerful.
  • Bill Buchanan: Who?
  • Jack Bauer: I don't know. Bill, I'm scared. (he pauses) I think this is bigger than anything we could have ever imagined.

  • Wayne Palmer (to Evelyn Martin): We're both in danger. Tell me what I need!

  • Wayne Palmer (referring to his brother David Palmer): I still can't accept talking about him in the past tense. I just... I just can't believe he's gone.

  • Christopher Henderson (referring to Wayne Palmer): He was there for a reason, it wasn't to drop off his resume.

  • Wayne Palmer: These are the people who killed my brother, Jack. They shot a bullet right through his neck, and then he died in my arms. Put yourself in my position. Could you just walk away?
  • Jack Bauer: No.
  • Wayne Palmer: Neither can I. I'm coming with you, Jack.

  • Jack Bauer: There is a big difference between training to kill someone and actually having to do it.