This is a list of memorable quotes from "Day 8: 9:00am-10:00am".
- Judge Ruffin: …trafficking in nuclear materials, assassination, conspiracy. Like I said, I'm going to deny bail.
- Jack Bauer: Let me explain myself. This agent, Renee Walker, I considered her to be my family. So take a long hard look into my eyes, and realize that I will have no problem taking out each member of yours before they even get home today, unless I get the information I want.
- Sergei Bazhaev: Whoever killed her had nothing to do with me.
- Jack Bauer: Enjoy your time in Marion. I'll tell your wife and daughter-in-law you said hello.
- Sergei Bazhaev: Wait! … Wait!
- Charles Logan: It's good to be back in the game, even if it is through the rear entrance.
- Charles Logan: (after being slighted) Who is that agent? I want him reassigned.
- Charles Logan: Bauer torpedoed my presidency. Tried to ruin me; almost did. There's no way I'm going to let that happen again.
- Ethan Kanin: What's this about Charles?
- Charles Logan: Jack Bauer, he's out of control. He's already pressured a Russian mafioso in federal court and now he's on his way to question a woman in custody at CTU. Dana Walsh
- President Allison Taylor: Why does he want to talk to her?
- Charles Logan: He thinks she knows who's behind the shooting of a Renee Walker.
- President Allison Taylor: (horrified) Agent Walker? (Logan nods) She's dead? (closes her eyes in grief)
- Jack Bauer: (whispering into Dana's ear) If you lie to me, I'll find you no matter where you try and hide.
- Jason Pillar: She (Dana Walsh) knows enough to bring everything down.
- Jack Bauer: Madam president, I don't want revenge, I want justice.
- Arlo Glass: So Jack's being taken away for a debrief, about…what, may I ask?
- Chloe O'Brian: No.