This is a list of memorable quotes from Ethan Kanin.
Day 7[]
- Ethan Kanin: She's definitely hiding something. Luckily for us I'm a paranoid son of a bitch. ("Day 7: 6:00am-7:00am")
- Olivia Taylor: Ethan, this doesn't tell the whole story
- Ethan Kanin: Sounds pretty clear to me. Hodges is dead and you're responsible. ("Day 7: 7:00am-8:00am")
- President Allison Taylor: I've lost my family. I've lost everyone.
- Ethan Kanin: Not everyone. ("Day 7: 7:00am-8:00am")
Day 8[]
- Ethan Kanin: (to Rob Weiss and General Brucker) This...This is beyond madness. ("Day 8: 5:00am-6:00am")
- Ethan Kanin: Rob, don't do this. Don`t betray your President. ("Day 8: 5:00am-6:00am")
- Ethan Kanin: In other words, I'm a tough son of a bitch. ("Day 8: 8:00am-9:00am")